December 20, 2022

2023 State Of Social Media: 3 Trends To Watch

It’s almost a new year! And every year, brands need to consider new trends and platforms in the digital space to remain competitive, stay relevant, and bring more awareness to their offerings. After various reviews of research reports on social media trends and digital marketing, we’ve compiled three marketing methods you need to consider in 2023:

2023 Social Media Trends

3 Trends To Watch In 2023

1. Video Content Rules Social

TikTok has been a major player for several years now, and other social platforms are still competing with the short-form video giant for user attention. 

For instance, Instagram’s Reels feature has taken priority to remain in competition with TikTok. While using a platform’s prioritized feature isn’t the only strategy that will bring traction to your brand, utilizing a platform’s prioritized feature can increase your impressions and reach, therefore increasing brand awareness.

In 2023, we recommend incorporating a solid, cross-platform short-form video strategy. And to keep the volume of consistent and quality content posted for your brand, content production systems are key. We understand that the content creation process for your business can be tedious, so having a team that can map out the content you need and shoot all of it for you gives your brand an advantage. At Coffee Date Media, our team can strategize content needs, manage photoshoots, create your content, and schedule publishing within each platform – so it’s all taken care of and posted at the best time for your business.

2. SEO Inspires Social Media

According to Hootsuite’s The Global State of Digital 2022 research, 58.4% of internet users across the world buy something online every week. Additionally, GWI reported, 77% of internet users use social media to look for more information on brands, and 64% of social media users find out about new brands through social media. 

Bottom line: Users are searching on social media. It remains true that a consistent social media presence is essential to bring credibility to your business and build connections with customers. But we now notice search engine optimization playing a bigger role in customers finding your brand on social platforms. TikTok and Instagram have incorporated SEO (search engine optimization)-based capabilities into their platforms. And they encourage users to purchase within the app through hashtags, content topics, their explore pages, and their search bars.

With that in mind, having an SEO strategy for both your website and its connection with social is essential. At Coffee Date Media, we use your target audience’ data from search engines like Google to determine what they are searching for and keywords to bring to your content so your brand is seen where your audience is searching.

3. Content Marketing Drives Digital Marketing

When executing the previous trends, you’ll want your content to be efficient and effective; and to do so you’ll need a content strategy. A content strategy is a plan that maps out what content is necessary for your business to hit your goals and reach your audience in the appropriate place. Your content strategy is the perfect way to educate your audience and bring authority and credibility to your brand. 

When a content plan is executed properly, it will help you assess where to place short-form and long-form content across your owned channels, paid opportunities, and earned partnership recommendations to bring in inbound website traffic and leads. Our Strategy Team can build a customized content strategy based on your brand’s online performance, competitors, and best practices, to make sure your digital marketing efforts thrive in 2023.

Work With Us

As a content agency, we help businesses just like yours achieve your goals online. To learn more about how we can keep your brand in-demand in 2023, reach out to us today

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